Creating an alias for Obsidian in Linux terminal with the app image

Steps to create the alias

  1. Download Obsidian AppImage from the official website.
  2. Move the downloaded AppImage to a directory meant for system-wide executables. We’ll use /usr/local/bin in this example. sudo mv ~/Downloads/Obsidian-1.6.7.AppImage /usr/local/bin/obsidian.AppImage
  3. Ensure the AppImage has the necessary permissions to execute: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/obsidian.AppImage
  4. Add the alias to your shell configuration file. This will depend on the shell you are using (bash or zsh).
  • For bash: echo 'alias obsidian="/usr/local/bin/obsidian.AppImage"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc

  • For zsh: echo 'alias obsidian="/usr/local/bin/obsidian.AppImage"' >> ~/.zshrc source ~/.zshrc

  1. Test the alias to ensure it works: obsidian

That’s it! Feel free to reply if you need help getting this to work on your machine.

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