Creating a table of bulleted items from a specific section

Hi Everyone, what I’ve been trying to do seems pretty simple in my head but after combing the forms and trying myself I can’t figure this out.

Essentially, in my daily notes that I mark using (#dailyNote) I have a section (# Quote(s) of the day!) where I collect random quotes I liked from that day in a bulleted list like this (- Don’t stare at the sun).

I would like to have a centralized note where I can look at all of these quotes at once but I ran into trouble as I can’t find a good way to collect listed items from specific headers in obsidian.

I have a good number of daily notes and it would be too labor-intensive to gather all the quotes manually so I was wondering what solutions are available.

Something like the following query should list out all those quotes belonging to that section:

TABLE item.text as "Quote(s) of the day!"
FROM #dailyNote
WHERE file.lists
FLATTEN file.lists as item
WHERE meta(item.section).subpath = "Quote(s) of the day!"

Thank you however this does not produce any results.

When I was testing earlier it seemed that my Obsidian was having a difficult time recognizing sections. Specifically, I created the following test note and the data table still did not populate:


Test Note


Section One

Content for section one.

Quote(s) of the day!

  1. Here is a quote.
  2. Here is another quote.

Section Two

Content for section two.

I didn’t test the query, but it turns out that some characters are left out of the subpath or heading, so the query needs to be:

TABLE item.text as "Quote(s) of the day!"
FROM #dailyNote
WHERE file.lists
FLATTEN file.lists as item
WHERE meta(item.section).subpath = "Quote s of the day"

At least this query produced the two quotes from your example.


Thank you so much!!! :3