Creating a folder template?

Does anyone know how to create a template for folders? I’d like to create projects with a handful of prepopulated sub folders and note templates?

What’s the best way to achieve this?


You could create the template folder inside or outside of your vault and when you start a new project, you can browse your file system, select and copy/paste the folder to duplicate it.

Then inside Obsidian, you can rename the folder and work with the files.

In MacOS (but outside Obsidian), I use Automator and Hazel to create folder tree and archive files into Archive folder.

I guess the same operations can also be applied to Obsidian vault.

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This one has been around a long time. Unfortunately Windows and Mac only. I switched to Linux a couple years ago. Haven’t found anything like it.

How about writing a Shell script for creating hierarchical folder?And then you may add the .sh to the PATH so that you can visit it anywhere.

A good solution would be to use Templater plugin in addition of note folder plugin. It almost has all the thing needed and I use it after creating the initial note and creating a folder for it by using note folder. I think it should be doable to full automate it if it added to templater. Using another script is not as good as using a plugin like it as it need to access Obsidian via api

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