Creating a dynamic page with content from other pages/particular headers

Things I have tried

What I’m trying to do

Creating a dynamic page with content from other pages/particular headers

I am enrolled in a 24-month long course. Each month, there’s a reading list. I have a separate page for each month’s material and meetings. On each of those pages, I have a section for the readings from that month. I’d like to dynamically generate a single page with just the reading assignments pulled from each month’s individual page.

I could create a new document solely for each month’s readings but that wouldn’t be ideal.

I’m open to suggestions. Thanks for the help!

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The documentation doesn’t explicitly say this, but if you combine embedding a note with linking to a heading, you can embed a section (that is, a heading and all the text under it up to the next heading of same or higher level):

![[Page name#Heading name]]


Embed the first month’s readings section, then and then copy-paste and adjust the date until you have all 24.


First Refactor the readings to their own notes. So instead of

Note 1
- body 1
- readings 1

Note 2
- body 2
- readings 2

You have

Note 1
- body 1
- [[readings 1]]

Note 2
- body 2
- [[readings 2]]

Next, add a tag to each “readings” note, like #readings/toread and #readings/completed

Use a simple query, or dataview query to show that list of tagged notes

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