Create a (folder) note populated with data from inout field and a meta-bind-button

Dear friendly Obsidian community members.

One of my use case of Obsidian is to take notes with excalidraw during seminars. In order to have things organized and accessible to populate a table with the list of talks, I create a folder note for each talk, with some metadata in the markdown note and an excalidraw document. I’d like to be able to accomplish this in an efficient way described below.

Solutions, partial solutions, advises and comments are very welcome.

What I’m trying to do

In FOLDER I have one note with several input fields:

- Date `INPUT[datePicker:TalkDate]`
- Name `INPUT[text:SpeakerName]`
- Institution `INPUT[text:SpeakerInstitution]`
- etc

Below that I want to have a button that when clicked uppon create the following subfolder and notes with name refering to the input field:
|- TalkDate_SpeakerName_SpeakerInstitution
…|- TalkDate_SpeakerName_SpeakerInstitution.excalidraw

and the note TalkDate-…md should be created with the use of a template

date:  <%* tR += TalkDate %>
speaker: <%* tR += SpeakerName %>
speaker-institution: <%* tR += SpeakerInstitution %>

Things I have tried

I looked arround the forum, tried to combine a few tools but got stuck.
In one partial solution, I make use of a template which, when called, give various prompts to ask for the data. There are different reasons for which I’d like the data to come from input fields instead, for example having a date picker.

For the input fields, the note is as follows:

TalkDate: 2024-07-30T00:00:00+02:00
SpeakerName: Jhon Doe
SpeakerInstitution: Uni of nowhere
label: "Reset"
hidden: true
id: "reset"
style: default
  - type: updateMetadata
    bindTarget: TalkDate
    evaluate: false
  - type: updateMetadata
    bindTarget: SpeakerName
    evaluate: false
  - type: updateMetadata
    bindTarget: SpeakerInstitution
    evaluate: false
three `


Select the info you have and click on button (TBA)
- Date `INPUT[datePicker:add-talk-date]`
- Speaker's Name `INPUT[text:add-talk-speaker-name]`
- Speaker's Institution `INPUT[text:add-talk-speaker-institution]`
- Seminar series `INPUT[text:add-talk-seminar]`


but then I did not find the way to cal them from within the template. Also, I did not find a way to create several files (and a folder) simultanously.

The role of the reset button is important for when I create several folder/notes for various upcoming seminars.