Core plugin - tags / nested-tags - UPDATE

This is a request to update the visuals for tags and nested-tags in the first place.
The goal would be to separate tags and nested tags for a better overview and to achieve structure. As well to add a new property nested-tags. I think it’s not that big of a change but a lot of people would benefit form it…

Secondly I had an idea to pin tags which would be nice implementation but that would be more work i guess so…

At the moment the nested-tags don’t really shine trough the visuals and it would be nice, if the tags and the nested-tags would be clearly separated into separate panes. Trough the separation you get a better overview and can easily structure your notes or tags ect… With a pin function for tags you could display the important tags or things you just need to focus on right now.

For the workflow it would be good if the nested-tags had its own property to make a solid integration. In this case a property for nested tags would be appreciated.

I tried to show what I mean with the following Picture…

I made a new version for easier implementation…

Version 1
This would be the normal request:

Version 2
This would be the extra request “the idea with pins”…
On click = pinned ← it would be nice if it would move up the line to the “pinned tags”
OR something similar…

Would be nice to see nested tags in a separate pane… Just as an idea maybe simplify GUI with text.