Steps to reproduce
- Copy/paste bullet point text into a note
Expected result
- Spaces per tab to be the same as if typing new bullet points into notes
Actual result
- Spaces per tab is less than if typing new bullet points into notes
Obsidian version: v1.3.2
Installer version: v1.2.8
Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Mon Apr 24 20:53:44 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.2~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 22.5.0
Login status: logged in
Catalyst license: insider
Insider build toggle: on
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: light
Community theme: Minimal v6.3.3
Snippets enabled: 3
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 21
Plugins enabled: 16
1: Hider v1.2.4
2: Calendar v1.5.10
3: Dataview v0.5.56
4: Style Settings v1.0.3
5: Minimal Theme Settings v6.3.1
6: Contextual Typography v2.2.5
7: Supercharged Links v0.9.7
8: Kanban v1.5.3
9: Paste URL into selection v1.7.0
10: Floating Search v3.3.0
11: QuickAdd v1.0.2
12: Outliner v4.7.1
13: Matter v1.1.4
14: Excalidraw v1.9.1
15: Advanced Tables v0.18.1
16: Periodic Notes v0.0.17
Additional information
Top one is manually tabbed. Bottom ones are copy/pasted.