Convert exiting Obsidian clippings to YAML and use properties + Updated WebClipper with META description capture

To clip articles to Obsidian, you might have used Obsidian WebClipper offered by Steph Ango, or derivated work.

In this case, you have ended with files that have the following structure :

author:: XXX
source:: URL link 
clipped:: DateOfClipping
published:: DateOfPublication 


But now you want something more like :

category: "[[Clippings]]"
author: XXX scrapped from the META tags of the page at URL   
title: Title scrapped from the META tags of the page at URL   
source: URL link
clipped: DateOfClipping
description: Description scrapped from the META tags of the page at URL   
summary: ""  (Some space to put the summary later)
  - AI
  - other tags taken from the META keyword tag
publish: false

My repo does the “conversion”.
So if you know a bit of javascript, this shouldn’t be too complex to update to your taste.
Furthermore I have updated the webclipper accordingly to capture a Description from META tags.

!! NOTE : You still will have to work on 10/20% of the files, but at least some of them will be updated. Of course don’t forget to backup before usage.