It is not only the alignment, If I change anything else in the .callout-content p:last-child block, it will be ignored in reading mode e.g. if I change the font size it will only be reflected in editing mode.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi, sorry it was my mistake. I had the following snippet enabled
/* reading mode */
.markdown-preview-view p {
text-align: justify;
text-justify: inter-word;
/* source view and live preview */
.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-line {
text-align: justify;
text-justify: inter-word;
I use it to justify text. And it was messing with the callout snippet.
By any chance, do you happen to know how could I justify the text in obsidian without affecting the callout in question. Thanks.
Ok, this was a weird one to figure out.
The justify text snippet fixed it for me, but only until I reopened obsidian. After some time, I ended up figuring out the actual problem.
I had the callout saved as a new custom Admonition callout. Removing the callout from the list of custom admonition callouts fixed the issue. I don’t really understand how did that caused such a seemingly unrelated problem to happen. But well. I will report the bug to the admonition GitHub.
Thanks for all the help @ariehen
In my test vault (the green “LP”), I do it a little differently because I wanted to hide the default icon and replace it with whatever (the content:' ' part). Silly and totally unnecessary, but fun.