Console Error and Incomplete File When Opening in New Window (Obsidian 1.8.2)

Console Error and Incomplete File When Opening in New Window (Obsidian 1.8.2)

Steps to reproduce

  1. open sandbox vault, open the doc of “Start Here”
  2. Click more option button and choose the “Open in new window”

Expected result

Actual result

  1. The new opened window miss the last callout content of original file. (The behavior varies with different files; sometimes only the last image is displayed.)
  2. Opening the current file in a new window will cause the console to report errors.


Obsidian version: v1.8.2
Installer version: v1.7.7
Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 24.1.0: Thu Oct 10 21:03:15 PDT 2024; root:xnu-11215.41.3~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 24.1.0
Login status: logged in
Language: zh
Catalyst license: insider
Insider build toggle: on
Live preview: on
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 0
Plugins enabled: 0


Additional information

Update Obsidian V1.8.1 to V1.8.2


Will be fixed. 1.8.3