Complete tag from drop-down menu with Tab key?

We can use the Tab key to autocomplete the links between [[ and ]]. But we cannot use Tab with the tag autocomplete menu.

I think that behaviour is counterintuitive. Since the tag list and the file list both perform autocomplete, they both should respond to the Tab key as well.

Thanks for listening. :slight_smile:


Seems like a small and useful feature. +1!

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Another discrepancy is that auto-completing tags adds an extra space at the end, whereas auto-completing links does not. Personally I never want the extra space, but if others find it valuable I think it would be nice for this to be a customizable setting.

you can use ‘enter’ key for both as a workaround.

I propose to use the Tab key for autocompleting til the / (slash) in subtags. Sometimes I have many subtags depending on one tag and it’s cumbersome selecting it with the arrow keys and press Enter, it’s easier to write a few words then autocomplete / write a few words then autocomplete / and so on.

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Is this still something that’s being considered? I think an option to use TAB to autocomplete tags would be great. Helps me with muscle memory from Sublime…

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I’ve never noticed this behavior til now. I was trying to create a new nested tag, then I’ve noticed I can’t autocomplete the root of the name using tab. I first thought it was because of any community plugin causing interference, but it seems like it’s not.

I’m using the Various Complements plugin to autocomplete everything with the Tab key and find it quite infuriating that I need to switch to Enter to complete tags… So, yes please :slight_smile:

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And in case you want to create a similarly named nested tag (for example you have #tags/education and you want to create #tags/education-policies), you would have to press enter, delete the extra space in the end and write -policies. So yes, it’s a little bit annoying.

Am I missing something or has this just been ignored for years?


I would really appreciate this, as essentially every other piece of software completes drop downs with tab, including this website when typing emojies :slight_smile:

will be implemented in v1.5. No ETAs.

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