Code Formatting Bug for Indented Bullet Points

So here is V1:

Advancing Agent State:

  • forward_model:
    • this moves the agent one state change forward by querying the model with the current state history
    • put current state into self.history and calls the self.history constructor to parse it into a prompt —>

        message = "\n".join(messages)"🤖 MODEL INPUT\n{message}")
        self.history.append({"role": "user", "content": message, "agent":})

        return self.model.query(self.local_history)
  • but what is the prompt?
    • what is inside state_vars???

Version 2:
Advancing Agent State:

  • forward_model:
    • this moves the agent one state change forward by querying the model with the current state history
    • put current state into self.history and calls the self.history constructor to parse it into a prompt —>

        message = "\n".join(messages)"🤖 MODEL INPUT\n{message}")
        self.history.append({"role": "user", "content": message, "agent":})

        return self.model.query(self.local_history)
- but what is the prompt?
- what is inside state_vars???

If you copy and paste v1 and v2 into obsidian, you will observe that the last two lines of v2 are in fact no treated as bullet points as expected, but rather as a continuation of the previous code block. Would like to bring this bug to your attention

Lol wait this happens here too in the forums … is this just expected markdown behaviour? If so, quite unexpected, IMO

Moving to Help for not following the bug report template.

Also it’s best to put examples in code blocks so we can se your actual Markdown without Discourse re seeing it (tho in this case that turned out to be useful :slightly_smiling_face:). To put a code block in a code block, use more backticks (or tildes, which I’m using because they’re easier to type on my phone).


(Of course to type this example I had to andd another, longer set of tildes.)

If you’re trying to put a code block in a list item, search the forum — there are definitely other posts about it (I don’t remember what they say). Actually, this is probably the main one: