Click and drag a whole tab group (instead of each tab one-by-one)

Use case or problem

Before tabs, it was easy to manage my layout, dragging each pane around into the position I wanted. Now, if I have a tab group, it’s tedious, because I need to drag each tab one by one.

Maybe a plugin would help, but it feels like this should be native. Take the example in the image. I want to rearrange my layout so the two tab groups are stacked vertically instead of horizontally. Currently, I would need to drag each tab one at a time, adding what feels like more steps than should be required.

Screenshots below show me dragging the tabs one by one to shift from a horizontal split to a vertical split.

Proposed solution

Some handle that we can click to drag an entire tab group into a new position. Whether that’s an icon, or maybe just clicking on the space after the + sign for the last tab.

Current workaround (optional)

Described in the first section

Other possible proposed solutions:

  • while dragging a tab, display a text saying “press command to drag tab group”
  • offer separate UI or dialog box to manage tab groups
  • offer a button that opens the dialog box (also this button will promote the feature)
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