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Notice that the Chinese in the text label can be shown correctly.
You were clear in number 1. I misread. The original annotation was created in on macOS.
edit: I tried with your “你好 世界 Hello world” as well as some mixed English and Japanese. I get the same result: 文字化け(corrupted text). Standard English characters seem OK, but an ö in Preview shows up as ¶ for me in Obsidian’s PDF viewer.
A macOS issue? A issue with how non-English annotations are encoded/saved in the PDF? Obsidian? Lots of possible causes and probably tricky to track down.
Would be a good idea to change the post title to something more descriptive.
I also tried the PDF Expert. The comments created in that app corrupts as well.
The mess code issue in the old days used to be related with the encoding and decoding process. If this is still the cause, i think the built-in pdf viewer fails to recognize the CJK characters as UTF-8 in the comments.
I tried using Windows 11 and the Workintool PDF app to add a note to a PDF. I put Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and German in a PDF annotation note. Saved. Reopened. Looks fine in that app.
Opening the PDF in Edge or Vivaldi (Chromium) shows garbled text.
I would bet on an encoding problem. Don’t think there’s anything the Obsidian team can do about it.