Chart.js (center and resize by 50%)


I haven’t find the way how to resize the graph to 50%. I checked documentation of the
used JS Library: Chart.js | Chart.js, but I cannot find any solutions.



// First, get all notes:
const notes = dv.pages();

const element_fire = dv.pages().where(f => f.element == "fire").length;
const element_water = dv.pages().where(f => f.element == "water").length;
const element_earth = dv.pages().where(f => f.element == "earth").length;
const element_air = dv.pages().where(f => f.element == "air").length;

// ... and put those in an array for later visualization:
const dataArray = [element_fire, element_water, element_earth, element_air];

// Now let's setup the data for the chart:
const chartData = {
   labels: ['Fire', 'Water', 'Earth', 'Air'],
   datasets: [
         label: "Elements distribution",
         legend: false,
         data: dataArray,
         backgroundColor: [
            'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
            'rgba(32, 0, 192, 0.3)',
            'rgba(128, 192, 32, 0.3)',
            'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)',
         borderColor: [
            'rgba(192, 0, 128, 1.0)',
            'rgba(32, 0, 192, 1.0)',
            'rgba(128, 192, 32, 1.0)',
            'rgba(128, 128, 128, 1)',
         borderWidth: 2

// Let's configure the chart:
const config = {
   type: 'bar',
   data: chartData,
label: {
    display: false,


// Lastly, let's render the chart:
window.renderChart(config, this.container)

Current Output

Desired Output

  • centered and 50% smaller graph

Hi @den,

that was a very good question of yours and I, too, struggled quite some time now to solve this.
In the end I emailed the author of the Obsidian Graph plugin, @phibr0, and he kindly had the solution for this.

Inside your dataviewjs block, at the end, where you render the chart via the window.renderChart(config, this.container); command, you have to tell the container its width like so:

window.renderChart(config, this.container); = "50%";

If you then want to have the chart centered, too, you’d add another line of code: = "auto";

This worked for me perfectly fine.

The width keyword @phibr0 added for “normal” embedded charts is something he implemented by his own, it’s nothing that the underlying chart.js library offers. :wink:

Hope this helps,


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