Currently the default symbol for ordered list is a dot, so any default list looks like this
I am trying to somehow change this symbol into a bracket, so it would look like the list in the following example. Unfortunately, I was not able to find any information about obsidian lists on my own.
1) Milk
2) Tea (without \list is rendered with dots)
3) Chai
Obviously, I understand, that I can manually change the dot into the bracket, however I want to change the base option, so I would not have to worry about it every time
Also I have found a html based list, however I can not figure out how do I implement it into default obsidian lists
Check if some of the community plugins can help you with that:
I guess (didn’t dive into) you can achieve this with some custom snippet, but:
I am not sure if it’s a good idea to do this on the default level and
it could be that CSS will not solve it in Editing mode
This snippet works on Reading mode, while in Editing, you’ll still see as “1. …”:
ol {
counter-reset: custom-counter; /* Reset the custom counter */
ol > li {
counter-increment: custom-counter; /* Increment the custom counter */
list-style: none; /* Remove default numbering */
display: flex; /* Ensure the number and text stay on the same line */
align-items: center; /* Align items vertically if needed */
ol > li::before {
content: "Step " counter(custom-counter) ") "; /* Add custom numbering format */
margin-right: 0.5em; /* Optional: Adjust spacing */
flex-shrink: 0; /* Prevent the prefix from wrapping */
I appreciate your effort, but unfortunately it is not what I am looking for. I have written a similar css snippet, which works with reading view and call-out blocks
Sadly, it does not interfere in dots placement in a normal OL in MD file