Change sort order by folder

Use case or problem

At the moment the “change sort order” feature works for the entire vault. It is not possible to have one folder ordered by file name and another folder ordered by date of creation.

Proposed solution

It would be great to be able to change the sorf order per folder, just like Apple notes. This means you could have a folder with its notes/files ordered by file name, other folders order by date of creation, other folders ordered by modified time, and so on.

Current workaround (optional)

The work around is to have all notes sorted by file name and appending a date of creation or date of modification to the file name for files that need to be sorted by date of creation or modification.

This however is cumbersome and makes the file name unnecessarily longer

Related feature requests (optional)

I also would like to be able to drag/drop files in the file explorer into a custom sort that can be toggled on/off along with other sort options.

How does one append or change a date?

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