Basically, just that, but one thing added to the table breaks it and I don’t understand why. I read in this forum that it is possible to change the alignment of the tables by CSS… whatever that means, I search it and I didn’t find how to make a CSS, or how to apply it to my table for that matter.
Things I have tried
I don’t really know, the syntax in the help forum of obsidian does nothing and I tried to apply a couple of Snippets, but that just breaks the dataview table.
In this image, the text is aligned vertically at the top and horizontally at the center. I want to change that to, for example, vertically centered and horizontally to the left and other variations.
I forget to put this, but is just a table from dataview
Table authors, (”![|100](" + portrait + “)”) AS portrait, producer, state, rating, date
From #Book AND “Compendium”