Centering a sentence that includes MathJax

What I’m trying to do

I wish to center a line of text that partially consists of mathjax.

Things I have tried

<center><b>Figure 5.4:</b> A parse tree showing the derivation of $E + \epsilon$ from $E$.</center>

In the above, the latex formatting is ignored.


Could you please upload a screenshot?

Math expressions should be centered by default.
I’m not sure what you’re looking for.
You’ll need a CSS snippet to be able to add mathjax blocks as inline code.

Like this? (On my phone screen)
On desktop description & formulae wont break into 2 lines

Hi Jopp, thanks for replying. Please see the attached screen captures. One is with source mode.

I see.
If you’re willing to try out my theme, then you can set up centered text blocks and much more. Here’s my wiki page for callouts
By default, my theme doesn’t apply colors, so your background will be white too.
Note, in this screenshots I am using my mermaid theme too.


If you prefer a CSS snippet, here’s one (didn’t test it myself):

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