Hi there
I’m looking to create a time-lapse video showing the evolution of a note from a blank page to a finished article. Similar to what the time lapse of the full graph does, but for a single note.
I saw once Paul Graham showcases that for one of his articles. I loved it, as it shows the iterative process of writing. I’d like to capture and showcase for that for one of my article I’m going to write too, plus I’m curious myself how that would look.
What I’m trying to achieve:
- Capture the progression of a note as it’s being written
- Create a video/visualization showing how the content evolved
- See the writing process from start to finish
I’m using Obsidian Sync, which already captures all the changes. Does anyone know if I can somehow access these snapshots (I didn’t see a hidden folder locally), The best would be programmatically via API/Python.
Or do you know of an existing plugin (I didn’t find one)?
Thanks so much for the help. I imagine this could be useful for:
- Teaching writing processes
- Documenting how ideas develop
- Creating engaging content about note-taking methods
Here is the example by Paul:
Time-lapse: Watch Me Make Mistakes
The finished: Startups in 13 SentencesSource Tweet: Here’s me writing the essay “Startups in 13 Sentences.” Characters in yellow will ultimately be deleted. Notice how few characters I type make it into the final version.