Can't set up custom Publish domain

This could be a skill issue, but AFAIK I’ve been following the docs to an absolute T.

The custom domain simply isn’t working. I’ve been greeted with ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED, ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH, and ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. Right now it’s ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.

Here are some screenshots of my settings in Cloudflare & Obsidian: is working, but isn’t.

At some point, I tried this weird pseudo-solution mentioned earlier in the forum. And it worked! For a while. It stopped working right after I published new vault changes.

So uh, this is very frustrating. I really want this to work, and I don’t understand what’s wrong.

Please help.

Wow, it’s working now that I’ve turned on a VPN. For context, I’m a Russian citizen. Meaning, only when I fake not being in Russia will the website load. Nothing to do w/ Publish.