Cannot search unfinished tasks

I think this is related to a known issue in 0.8, but I am not sure if this is the same problem since the known problem mentioned “quoted string” which I didn’t use.

Steps to reproduce

1/ Create a to-do item:

- [ ] Need doing

2/ Type into search bar: - [ ]

Expected result

The added to-do item should be displayed in the search results.

Actual result

The added to-do item is not displayed in the search results.


  • Operating system: Mac
  • Obsidian version: 0.8.0

Additional information

"- [ ]" works for me in 0.8.1


In the mean time (i.e. with 0.8.0) you can use a regex:

/- [ \[ \] ]/

Thanks guys ! Appreciate it.

No, it’s not working for me. If I use your combination “/- [ [ ] ]/”, it finds me both. And “- [x]”, and “- [ ]”.


This regex search is working for me, to find just lines with unfinished tasks:

/- \[ \].*/

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Yes! It works)

Thank you!

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