Sorry – You can find the debug information below.
I also tested that this issues is also present in the Sandbox Vault (I was not aware of that until now).
Debug Info:
Obsidian version: v0.15.9
Installer version: v0.15.8
Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Wed Aug 10 14:28:23 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.141.5~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 21.6.0
Login status: not logged in
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: dark
Community theme: Big Sur Aesthetic
Snippets enabled: 5
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 28
Plugins enabled: 23
1: Advanced Tables v0.17.3
2: Calendar v1.5.10
3: Copy button for code blocks (fixed version manifest) v0.2.1
4: CSV Editor v0.0.1
5: File path to URI v1.3.0
6: Find unlinked files and unresolved links v1.5.2
7: Dataview v0.5.38
8: Templater v1.12.0
9: Day Planner v0.5.8
10: Imdone Obsidian Plugin v1.0.0
11: Editor Syntax Highlight v0.1.3
12: Mind Map v1.1.0
13: Kanban v1.2.40
14: Admonition v9.0.3
15: Advanced Cursors v0.5.1
16: Dynamic Table of Contents v0.0.27
17: Show Current File Path v0.5.2
18: Smart Random Note v0.2.1
19: Minimal Theme Settings v5.3.0
20: Tag Wrangler v0.5.2
21: Recent Files v1.3.2
22: Copy Block Link v1.0.4
23: Excalidraw v1.7.22
Custom theme: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community theme and snippets.
Community plugins: for bugs, please first try updating all your plugins to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community plugins.
I retried the login using youtube in an iframe and checked the console for the same.
There I found two errors:
The first just preventing the auto-focus on the input box, the second is the 400 on a POST request (find them below).
Maybe Obsidian / the iframe encodes something wrong on this requests, since 400 means Bad Request?
The Sandbox mode also fails.
In order to check the login on other platforms I tried amazon – There I get the an error saying Please Enable Cookies to Continue. Did Obsidian or Electron change something in this department?
Blocked autofocusing on a <input> element in a cross-origin subframe.
POST<<token>>&service=youtube 400
@looney.apache: It is still a fact that it worked before – Would be nice to make it work again .
Also the autofocus should be irrelevant – It looks more like an issue on the request side, since it shows up after the submit.
Also amazon inside an iframe complains about disabled cookies. To be honest I am not sure if amazon worked before within an iframe in Obsidian, but I think cookies (in electron) could be worth a brief investigation here.
is there an artefact registry providing old builds of obsidian so I could test this issue on an older version of obsidian?
To the best of my understanding, electron apps use the chromium browser engine. Apparently, there have been some modifications in the past couple of months that may have affected how YouTube and Amazon login function.
I’m not sure, but might we install an earlier version of Obsidian to test whether the problem still exists?