Can i use TeraBox to sync my vault on PC(Win11) and Android? + SyncThing conflicts problem

i found out that it has 1TB storage for FREE and i want to use it as my main cloud
it also has the function that in theory could be used to sync my vault on both of my devices
anyone tried it??

i used SyncThing before, but i’m sick of conflicting files, so i deleted it
in fact, i really liked the concept of file sync without uploading it on a third-party service, just my devices, privacy and stuff, but conflicts are ruining everything :frowning:

now terabox seems like the best solution because of the huge storage options but idk how it would work with obsidian, i found nothing abt it

What I’m trying to do


Things I have tried

syncthing/synctrayzor: file conflicts > had to fix my files
livesync plugin’s method: the website gives me an ‘access forbidden’ error even if i use vpn, and i can’t try it out