Can I publish a copy of the Japanese help at ""?

Can I publish a copy of the Japanese help at “”?

I enjoy Obsidian, but many Japanese, including me, don’t understand English.
But many Japanese, including me, don’t understand English.
So I appreciate the partial support in Japanese.

I can’t wait for the full translation.
I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help.
I translated the help page into Japanese and put it on my vault.

It was an obvious experience that I now have more answers to mysteries I couldn’t understand before.

I would like to publish the “” to help those same Japanese people.
But since I just copied and translated it, I don’t think it’s a good idea to publish it.

I would like to know, can I publish a copy of the Japanese help at “”?


Hi, thank you so much for translating to Japanese!

You can add it under the ja folder here? We can publish it for you.

Also a heads-up: we’re in the process of rewriting and adding documentation, and you will be able to see the changes in the GitHub repo above. Just so you know!

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Thank you. I didn’t do everything, but I’m glad I could contribute a little.
It is very helpful to be able to use Obsidian in my own language!

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