What I’m trying to do
Hi, I tend to use callouts heavily in my personal notes. I find they’re eye catching for important content that my ADHD brain may otherwise glance past.
Anyways, I was fooling around and I stumbled on an aesthetic (but challenging to enter) way to enter a footer section on a callout that I really fancy. However, it’s a pain to create this footer as I have to perform a sequence of keys in order to get the formatting to apply.
So here’s my questions:
I’m not sure if this is actually a “footer” component per-se, as it has built in “copy” button to the right, much like code folds do. Any ideas what the actual markdown/html component is?
Is there a way I can create a template for certain callouts to auto-add this footer upon inserting the callout? I’m a little rusty on my CSS so let’s say I’m a beginner that wants to learn how to think through customizations.
Any help would be appreciated!