What I’m trying to do
I use daily notes. I have several notes per day with the same structure:
Company: AA
Type: x
Comment: commentonAA
Company: BB
Type: x
Comment: commentonBB
Commpany: CC
Type: y
Comment: commentonCC
I neet, on a separate note, to bring all these information from different notes, into a table where I have columns: Company name, Type, Comment. In each row, I need to import the information I have on all notes. Note that I need to have one row per company, per day. I can have different rows for the same company if they were written in different daily notes.
Things I have tried
I’ve tried to use dataview calling for tags. The problem here is that a tag does not distinguish from different group of notes (I call group to a set of notes for a certain company) in the same note.
I’ve tried to put a task ( - ) with subtasks. I can creat a column for Company Name, but I cannot call for the subnotes to get this information on the same row as the company they are children of.
Something like this is the code I am using
TABLE regexreplace(Tasks.text, "company:: ", "") AS Company,
regexreplace(Tasks.subtasks.text, "Type:: ", "") AS Type,
regexreplace(Tasks.subtasks.text, "Comment:: ", "") AS Comment,
Tasks.completion AS "Completion Date", file.link AS "File"
WHERE file.tasks FLATTEN file.tasks AS Tasks
But it does not work.
Help will be much appreciated!!