I noticed that for me, the California Coast theme is hiding the snapshot history on the left in the file recovery window. If I choose the standard theme, I can see it again. Is anyone else having this issue?
Will theme be updated or we need to switch?
I’d like to know the same… I’ve loved the California Coast for a long time now but the last update has broken a lot for me and I’m reluctantly considering a switch.
Eagerly waiting for the updated California Coast theme.
Please update @mgmeyers
There’s a temporary fix over on GitHub now: Obsidian v1.0.0 Update · Issue #137 · mgmeyers/obsidian-california-coast-theme · GitHub
I couldn’t figure out how to make it work, but maybe it will help someone else.
It doesnt fix anything for me except colors. To enable the fix you need to add the source code as .css file to snippets folder and then enable it in the appearance settings.
Looks like I did it correctly then, and had the same outcome as you.
I made a very dirty fix for a fix for a more consistent UI CaliforniaFix - Pastebin.com. Just enable original legacy theme with both fixes.
really waiting for a proper update to the theme, this is one of the no much bs,highly customizable theme
This was a beautiful theme. I wish it would get a nice update. Of course, you know what they say . . . “If wishes were fishes . . .” lol! Thanks to the theme developers anyway, though. I loved it before the 1.0.0 update.
RIP, beautiful theme. The last update finally killed it for me. Switched to Border theme Akifyss/obsidian-border: A theme for obsidian.md (github.com) as the closest equivalent for adjusting to the CCT look N6yCGmM.jpeg (3840×2064) (imgur.com)