Your screenshot is zoomed is pretty far, so it’s hard to see where the calendar is in relation to side panel, main notes tab, etc. Maybe one from farther out could help?
If you switch to the default theme (if you are using a community theme), how does it look then?
Huh. Now that’s a new one - I’ve never seen that before.
Try quitting Obsidian, moving the workspace.json file out of .obsidian/, and restarting. This will reset your window layout and hopefully sort out the calendar.
It’s most likely another plugin mucking things up then(?). I’d try turning off some plugins (other than calendar), using the default theme, to see if helps.
You can put back your original workspace.json file if you want. Sorry about that
I turned off CSS and tried turning off the plugins one at a time after I posted that first message, hoping I might still be able work it out myself, but no such luck. I also opened a Sandbox vault just to check it worked in there, and of course it did. I really am stuck. I’ll cycle through the plugins again and see if I can pinpoint one. If you have any other ideas, I’ll happily try them.
The troubleshooting tips are here: About the Bug reports category - #11 by system - pretty much what you are doing, but some plugins need a restart of Obsidian to fully quit. Turn off half → restart → no change… turn off the other half → restart, etc. to narrow it down. Good luck