Bulk edit properties with metadata menu (0.8.0 beta)

Hi! I’m not sure this is the right place to post this message

I’m looking for beta testers for 0.8.0-beta-1 :test_tube:

  • bulk edit fields in multiple notes at once from tableviews and mdm code blocks
  • customize the display of Object, ObjectList and ObjectListItems (in dataview tables and fields modal)
  • many fixes
  • massive refactoring of the code that needs some user testing before going to general availability :see_no_evil::pray:

If you want to test: copy the main.js / styles.css / manifest.json from the beta release page in the .obsidian/plugins/metadatamenu folder of your vault


Will it be possible to bulk edit without ticking boxes individually as well, as outlined in this thread?

As of today, you have to select the files where you want to update the field.
Checking the box on the hearder cell will check all boxes at once so that you don’t have to check them one by one

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Great news.