Bulk edit properties: Surround author values with "[[...]]"

What I’m trying to do

Since the properties update I’m using “author” (name) as a list property in YAML.
That means I’ve got over hundred files that have a frontmatter that includes “author” and its value(s) in such configurations:


author: Somebody

Since it’s a list property, for completeness sake:

- One Person
- Another Person

Since Obsidian supports [[internal links]] in its Properties implementation I would like to take advantage of that and make all the values from “author” internal links. To do this according to the official documentation (Properties - Obsidian Help) the values need to be surrounded by "[[ and ]]":

author: "[[Somebody]]"
- "[[One Person]]"
- "[[Another Person]]"

How can I achieve this change for over hundred files in an efficient manner? :thinking:

Things I have tried

I quickly skimmed the Forum via the search functionality but couldn’t find anything.

I got sublime text which I use for other bulk editing operations, but I don’t know how to catch all the dynamic values for “author”.

Links I looked into:

According to the Help Article bulk editing is not supported, but at the same time it says that you can use Python Script plugin for bulk editing.

Just as an alternative, in case this ends up being a deep rabbit hole:

You can select text, and then run the command “Add internal link”, which you can bind to a hotkey. I have mine set to Ctrl-L

So while it might feel like bulk editing this would be the fastest solution, using a hotkey for that command, and manually fixing the files might end up not taking as long as you fear.

Thanks for your answers.

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