Building my own Obsidian-native blog with Quartz. Any Obsidian-native blog recommendation?

Do you follow anyone whose blog is Obsidian-native? Curious as to what makes you revisit them! Personally I like kepano and Andy Matuschak’s website for their evergreen notes. I also love Paul Graham’s blog (though not Obsidian-native).

Here’s my own Obsidian evergreen notes website built with Quartz. I’m trying to improve it. Would appreciate any feedback!


I love how it looks, and it’s super comfortable to navigate through the pages. I want to try setting up something similar myself, but I need to go through the entire documentation first.

Would you mind sharing how much CSS was needed to style it this way, and what type of font you used? Did you use Plex Mono?

I’d really appreciate any feedback on this. I’m also curious to see what you’ll develop from the site!


Could you share with me how much CSS was needed to achieve this style and what font you used? Did you use Plex Mono?