Bug: Scrolling long notes, scroll abruptly stops in between

I think the issue is that Obsidian doesn’t know how far you can scroll until you’ve scrolled. It’s an interesting case for competing priorities, though. I also get caught by this behavior occasionally.


Unfortunately, I can confirm this problem on Android. Its effect in some cases prevents you from ever seeing the bottom of the note. I doubt it’s a rendering problem, as described, because of rapid scrolling, as the problem exists consistently with slow scrolling as well. Reloading the Obsidian sometimes will help you, as you can scroll either fast or slow and it will work as expected. The problem always returns after a while though.


This happens for me on both iPad and android.

this happens to me when scrolling to the top of a long note on Android

This one is a real pain, I would personally not tag as “minor” something I run into every single day (which means many more will too). It happens even with not-so-long notes. If there’s anything you guys can do to prioritize this, you have my vote!


I honestly think that pretty much every mobile user (at least iOS) is affected. It happens on my iPhone, iPad and my wife’s iPhone.

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Sadly the problem occasionally pops up on my desktop as of late, especially in live preview mode. Seems to get stuck at a certain point of the note and no matter which way you scroll, it snaps back to the same spot. With the desktop, when this happens it often looks like it gets hung up on a markdown element, like links, image links, or the front matter at the top of the note. Perhaps this is a clue as to what is tripping up the scrolling on all devices. Sometimes switching to source mode helps but not always, yet reloading Obsidian altogether does seem to fix the problem for a while.

Experiencing this on macOS Sonoma. Really makes Obsidian feel broken given how smooth scrolling is on other apps, especially with a 120Hz screen. You’re zipping around, and then scroll something in Obsidian and just sludge or complete stop.

Please, post a screen recording of this happening in the sandbox vault and attach a copy of the file where this happens. Thanks.

I’ve noticed this happens on my iCloud vaults but not on my Obsidian Sync vaults. @chrsle are you using iCloud to sync your vault?

Issue is still present for me on my iPhone

I kind of found a way around this by toggling edit/preview mode on the top right whenever I know it is a large document I’m going to be scrolling. Until this is fixed, this is great.


To clarify what @axmag said, the problem seems to not happen in Reading View. I didn’t test much, but it looks like the iOS’s “tap to go to top” gesture also works correctly in Reading View ([Bug] Tapping iOS status bar sometimes only scrolls partway to top)

100% agree this is a major issue. I cannot scroll any note without this stopping me in my tracks and re-attempting a scroll multiple times before getting to the where I need to

@WhiteNoise Is there a good email address I can send a screen recording to?

FWIW I noticed I kept on re-scrolling over DataView and it’s worth mentioning I have a few DV queries on that same note… not sure if that is a relevant factor in the scroll challenge.

Do you have this problem on iOS or macOS?
If it’s ios, no need for further proof.

Thanks for the prompt response - it’s iOS (iOS 17.1.2) on my iPhone 11 Pro, and same issue on my iPad.

Not an issue on my MacBook.

I can also reproduce this with a long markdown note with the latest version on iOS on my iPhone 12 mini. In addition to that, when I navigate to the References heading, you can see that the viewport jumps to somewhere else entirely.

Video on YouTube.

I am impressed by how well Obsidian performs other than this on large files, and it’s the whole reason I want to use it. I’d say this isn’t a minor bug.

Also, I am happy to provide this markdown file if it will help debug.

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Here is the note I was using: rust.md (25.7 KB)

Happens with me as well.