Obsidian Mobile version: v1.4.
iPadOS version: 16.1
If you right click on something, it pulls up an iPad menu that obscures the Obsidian one. As you can see in the photo, right clicking on the open tab pulls up the Obsidian menu, but it is obscured by a native iPad menu. The same thing happens when you try right clicking almost anywhere in the app…
Shows the obsidian right click menu, overlayed with a system context menu for text selection (Screenshot below)
Operating system: iPad OS 16.3.1
Debug info:
Operating system: ios 16.3.1 (Apple iPad)
Obsidian version: 1.4.1 (83)
API version: v1.0.3
Login status: not logged in
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on
Using Magic Keyboard with trackpad on iPad Pro
Additional information
We get the expected result when using a mouse. We also get the expected result when using a trackpad and doing a two finger click instead of tap.