There’s a new bug in obsidian://hook-get-address? URL reproduced like this.
- In Obsidian main window, edit a note, Foo.
- Right click on a different note, and choose “open in new window”
- type Bar in that window.
- invoke the obsidian://hook-get-address? URL reproduced like this. (this can be done by calling Hookmark’s
Copy Link
- Get the address associated with note Bar.
- focus remains in bar window
actual result
- focus switches back to note Foo.
- the address returned by obsidian://hook-get-address? is the address of note Foo, not bar.
I’m a co-founder of CogSci Apps Corp. which makes Hookmark . A mutual customer of ours reported the bug here: Obsidian - Hookmark not working in aditional windows (ie not the main widow) - Bug Reports - Hookmark Forum