Steps to reproduce
Shut down my Windows computer while Obsidian is still open.
Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y]
It’s hard to strictly create a reproduction issue, I’m getting this frequently when shutting down my Windows PC.
Expected result
No exceptions or memory crashes when shutting down my PC.
Actual result
Breakpoint exception as can seen below:
Obsidian version: v1.7.7
Installer version: v1.6.5
Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.19045
Login status: logged in
Language: en
Catalyst license: none
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Base theme: dark
Community theme: Tokyo Night v0.4.1
Snippets enabled: 2
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 9
Plugins enabled: 8
1: Vimrc Support v0.10.2
2: Heading Shifter v1.7.1
3: List Callouts v1.2.9
4: Linter v1.28.0
5: Copy Image v1.1.0
6: Emoji Shortcodes v2.2.0
7: Excalidraw v2.7.4
8: Local Backup v0.1.8
Custom theme and snippets: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme and disabling your snippets. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community theme and snippets.
Community plugins: for bugs, please first try updating all your plugins to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community plugins.