Booksidian - a Chrome extension to create a note from a book's Goodreads page

Does this still work? I tried to use it today and in console of chrome it said:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘innerText’)
at getBookFromGoodreads (:3:59)
at :35:3

Would appreciate any help.

Here’s an alternative in case booksidian is no longer working: GitHub - anpigon/obsidian-book-search-plugin: Obsidian plugin that automatically creates notes by searching for books

Works pretty well.

Thanks for reporting this! Looks like Goodreads is rolling out a new UI. Currently, my account still sees the old UI so I’m having trouble adapting to the new HTML layout. I hope to get this working in the next few weeks (hopefully sooner)! I’ll ping this thread when I do this.


Just out of curiosity, has this occurred? No stress at all if not! Just prefer the booksidian plugin to the alternative and can’t wait to get back to adding books haha.

No, not yet, sorry! To be honest, I have no freaking idea why my account still sees the old UI and how to toggle between them. If anyone finds out, let me know, and it shouldn’t take me more than a few hours to adjust the code.

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No worries, thanks for the update! Haha I wish I could toggle backwards and did some extensive searching which revealed nothing useful unfortunately so not sure its possible. Not sure how you’re seeing the old UI either tbh haha.

Wait sorry, what browser do you use?

Hi everyone!

Booksidian version 0.4 is now live, and it has support for the new Goodreads UI. I only had a chance to minimally test this (since my account still sees the old UI), so I would highly appreciate it if you could try it out and provide feedback.

We’ve also added support for creating notes for YouTube videos. YouTube template parameters are still quite minimal and only support short and full title and the YT channel that published the video. I’ll be very happy to hear what other template parameters would be useful to you!

As far as I can tell, the extension should automatically update, but if not, check out the extension page on the Chrome store here.