Bookmarks Invalidated by text placed before last characters of codeblock

In this instance, I had placed a word inside parenthesis directly before the last characters of a codeblock.

some code

(end code)```

I know this is probably not typical behavior but doing this managed to break about half of the bookmarks below the code - i assume because it's an unexpected user behavior and no one thought to test for it. (Bigger and better code attracts bigger and better idiots to break it, i.e. me)

Anyway. Thought maybe it might be a symptom of something else that might not be working quite right. 

Thanks for everything you do. I literally live off this program. Really fabulous work. Everything about this application really jingles my jimmies. I use it for probably 40% of every single day. Not even exaggerating. My entire life has been consumed by your masterpiece. (I'm a writer which is why this bug report is so horrendously long. I'm so sorry.)

I love you all.
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Code blocks need to be surrounded by three backticks on their own lines.

Code blocks need to be surrounded by three backticks on their own lines.

The exception would be using a language token after the opening backticks, such as:

#calendar-container {
  --color-dot: #f73b3be8;
  --color-text-heading: #21130d;
#calendar-container .today, #calendar-container {
  color: white;
  background-color: #f73b3be8;

#calendar-container .today .dot, #calendar-container .active .dot {
  fill: white;

#calendar-container .active .dot, #calendar-container .dot {
  fill: #21130d;

Inline code just needs one backtick either side of the words that the user wants to mark as code.

Inline code just needs one backtick either side of the `words that the user wants to mark as code`.

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