Bookmark does not work

I have tried to bookmark a heading in a file, but Obsidian is not creating a easy link to go to that file and heading. Insted it creates a file named ‘C’ with [] inside it. Nothing more.

Maby I am using it wrong, would be great if I could make links to sertain headings in some way.

You can create links to headings wether the heading is bookmarked or not :blush:

[[My Note#My heading]]

This would create a link to the heading My heading located somewhere in the note titled My Note

For more info:

Yeah, I know. But then the Bookmarks plugin has no function at all, if I have to make manual links and store them in a file that is in my file-tree.
Thought this was a plugin that help me out doing this.

The Bookmark plugin is mostly there to “pin” your favorite/most used (bits of) notes, I think :thinking: … and potentially organize these in a different way than the File Explorer does (depending on your use of Obsidian) :woman_shrugging:

I wouldn’t know exactly how others use bookmarks since I don’t use them :innocent:
This is just how I understand the feature :blush:

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