Book Search - creating filenames with illegal characters

Hey dear community and users of the plugin Book Search.

I’m using special characters for my Media-Files, e.g. “}b” fo books similar to Bryan Jenks. I like this solution way more than Tags.

Well, I testet Book Search yesterday for the first time and wanted to get this special/illegal character at the beginning of the filename while automatically creating a new file → “}b {{title}} - {{author}}”. It didn’t work with standard code of the plugin. But I found a workaround , which I want to share with you:

I opened the file “main.js” structure in Windows Explorer with Texteditor and searched for the string of all illegal characters (Row 6, Column 3923). They are listet in the Code on github → \,#%&{}/*<>$":@.?|
Every character you delete of this string will be then accepted in the filename of new created book-files.
Maybe this could be a nice Setting-Option within this plugin.

The Problem might be the next Update. Perhaps the illegal characters will be reset within the updated code. I will tell you, if I will have problems.

Just in this moment, i found a similar case on github… Well, just for the reason someone is searching with the same keywords like me, I though will post this topic.

Cheers to all of you and special thanks to @anpigon :slight_smile:

The todays update of Book Search did reset the code, and i will have to change the main.js file every time after an update.