Block reference

Yep, I need this block! The block can help us link everything, besides, if this block can be collapsed and expanded it can be better!

Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum.
Habemus versus nexum.


@WhiteNoise: Wonderful news - thanks for this!

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This is in insider build now.


Could someone show me an example of this being used?

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Here’s a super simple one.



Using the Minimal theme (Minimal Theme)


It looks that in the editing mode, the block reference will not be readable.

I assume that will improve once we have the WYSIWYG editor.

@GLight: that makes sense, a block reference is just a link, after all.

I didn’t see this one coming! So what else have the devs been silently working on? Cold fusion?


This must be how they do it in Roam. Funny as hell, though.

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if you use [[note_name#title]] rather than ![[note_name#title]], in both the editing mode and the preview mode, you get a readable content which is self-described. But with something like this, well, I guest the ![[]] or [[|some text]] are the only possible ways to use it :joy:

Perhaps, I’d like to excerpt the content from the other note directly or take the content as a footnote.

@GLight: I have not had any readable content with any form link in Edit mode. Unless, we’re not talking about the same thing. The only thing I get is the text of the link itself, and only in Preview is rendered, whether that be a link with or without a ! in front.

You just remind me about a bug that I has reported. Since the block reference is a link to a line in the other note, maybe the insiders can do me a favor to see if the bug is also valid for block reference.

  1. create a note-a
  2. In the note-a, create a block reference link to an item in a list within note-b.
  3. change note-a to preview mode, and click the block reference link.
  4. in the new windows(also in preview mode), I want to know is it the item being highlighted or the entire list is highlighted?

Oh, I understand.

As one can always give a name to a link by [name](link), the text of the link is not have to be readable.

It seems that I confused [[]] with []().

In the example I posted, the todo’s block ID was randomly generated. You can also append your own to the end of a line. ^likethis

I could then write ![[this note#^likethis]]* to get at it, and you can use custom IDs to infer what the item contains while in edit mode.

(*incoming syntax change for block as we experiment in Insider: the links will soon require #^ instead of just # so that they’re more apparent and block IDs are more easily searched, among a few other benefits; thanks to Insiders for the feedback!)



And not

Sorry to revive a closed topic

From the Insider channel on Discord:

The main rationales for the change from [[Filename#blockid]] to [[Filename#^blockid]] are:

  • Makes it easier to search, potentially outside of Obsidian.
  • Makes it more obvious and distinguished that it’s a block reference, helps scripting/batch processing.
  • If you end up going back to change the block id, you won’t get auto-complete for headings.

Why # at all?

Because # is the character we use across the app to split a URL into the “path” and the “subpath”
It’s also the character URLs uses to signify anchors

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How about to use ::: to specify a complex block content(simlar to pandoc)? like this:

::: ^a_block_id
 we have a paragraph.

and a table:
| a | b | 
| c | d |

and a formula:

E = mc^2