Blend PDF with theme not working since new update (AnuPuccin and Minimal Theme)

From this update my PDFs don’t blend with the background anymore. I’m using AnuPuccin but I’ve tried also with minimal theme. Anyone else has the same problem or knows a way to fix it?

With “adapt to theme” turned on.

With adapt to theme turned off

This are the setting.

Any help would be appreciated.

I think the issue could be the css class that changed form .pdf-viewer to .pdfViewer. But I don’t know how to fix this in the code of the themes. Or if it is the real problem here.

SOLVED: I needed to replace pdf-viewer to pdfViewer in the theme.css file located at Obsidian Vault/.obsidian/themes .

If someone that develops the plugins will read this, apparentely is easy to fix.

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