I am having some parsing issue for obsidian for big file
this issue is not very reproducible , but let me try to describe to see if anybody has the similar issue.
my files is issue tracking file, which has nested headers h1,h2,h3,h4, less than 5 levels
I have outline panel open on the right as navigator
normally, I click the item on the right, the corresponding topic will be shown on the main edit window in preview mode, with correct format rendered.
however, when the file is big, over 4000+ lines, occasionally, the text format is not rendered properly, it seems to lose its format
the work around I have is:
1 restart obsidian
2 randomly click some topic , and somehow the topic will be rendered properly
the pattern I found so far is:
1 only happens in big file in preview mode
2 after it is rendered properly one time, it will be good for a while, and all of sudden, it may stop working again.
anybody has similar issue?