Bible Links Plugin: Parse standard bible references to links

For years I used a plugin with Onenote called: . It parses your notes for bible references (ex: John 3:16) and replaces the reference with a linked reference to the verse (stored in onenote). It would also create backlinks from verses to notes.

Obsidian would be perfect for this.

I know that Organising The Bible in Obsidian is already out there. But all the solutions require non-normal referencing… things like [[John^#3:16]] and they defineatly don’t work with things like Jn 3:16-18, 22; Romans 3:23, 6:23

So, Alexander, the writer of has slowly been working on a new version: GitHub - AlexanderDemko/BibleNote: Bible study software. The next version of . He has a parser, others have them too.

So, what does it take to make a real bible plugin? Any volunteers?


I know there is a way to code in a range of verses… it is easily done in an excel formula and I’m sure Obsidian is more powerful than that.

Hi I’m new here and have the same need. I threw this together today, give it a try and I would love feedback!

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I might suggest we consider using Logos’s RefTagger script. It is JavaScript. If someone knows whether it’d be possible to incorporate or not into Obsidian, I’d be interested to hear it!


I suppose the downside is that you don’t gain the benefit of the knowledge graph or seeing backlinks to notes you have made when looking at the biblical text. At first I wondered if this was more like the way it works in Logos where links are created automatically to your version of the bible but that uses their indexing system which they won’t give up.

I have a private plugin I developed for quickly inserting a verse or range of verses. I have the Bible in my vault, so I am in effect just creating links to chapters and their verse. Then with the preview feature, the scripture embeds are rendered.

Not sure if this is appealing in your use case. (By the way I have the Bible in two languages, so you see both languages listed here).


Now that you released Text Transporter, with “Add Ref ID’s and copy to clipboard”, what’s more productive for inserting multiple verses, this plugin, or Text Transporter?

Good question!!! This plugin for now is still my goto. But transporter is going to be useful for single verses.

I have thought about releasing this plugin for Bible verses, but it is super opionated about how it works.


Workaround: I’ve been using the Obsidian bible system that Mike Schmidt uses which you can see here (i.e. every single verse has it’s own separate file). This can be pretty taxing on Obsidian. It took a long while for it to index but one of the advantages is that the references are closer to traditional bible verse references. For example [[John 3.16]] instead of [[John^#3:16]].

Sure I’m a little bummed that it’s uses a . instead of a : but it’s not a big deal and we couldn’t use a : because it would conflict with macOS’s file system.

The only thing I haven’t figured out is a good system for referencing multiple verses. For now I’ve just been doing something like this: [[Proverbs 3.5]]-6. It doesn’t look super great, and it only links the first verse but I think it’s fine enough for my uses for now.

I am using the same system of [[John 3.16]]. It was the most effective way to convert my Bible notes for each passage - I have the verse at the top, and the notes after it. I would like a way to reference a “range” of verses. Any ideas?

Oh my goodness, can I have this! Please release this!

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What I’ve been doing (though it doesn’t feel like a fully baked system) is this:

  • I make a new note from my Passage TEMPLATE.
    • The Passage TEMPLATE includes a #bible/passage tag
    • I will name this new note a name for the whole reference, something like John 1.1-18
      • I can’t name it John 1:1-18 because this conflicts with macOS’ file system. So instead I add John 1:1-18 as an alias.
      • I also usually add another name as an alias. e.g. I’d give John 1:35-42 the alias Jesus calls the first disciples.
    • I add links to all the verses within the passage. e.g. [[John 1.1]], [[John 1.2]], [[John 1.3]] and so forth.

Screenshot please? I don’t fully understand…

This is actually a great solution - tried it and it works well for me!

That would be nice, just to hover and see the references? E. g. Eph 2:14-15 then a pop up with those verses in paragraph form. This would really accelerate my studies. Similar to Bible Logos ™ Bible Reference Tagger.