Better options than footnotes or html comments that can be used in live mode

What I’m trying to do

I want a quick way to reference short little notes. just a for IDs of anki flashcards(e.g. :1714415675444). This should happen right in my notes. I would really like like to stay in live preview mode to see them. looking for addons or solutions with coding/markdown

Things I have tried

html comments don’t look great to me in there (don’t want to switch between live preview and reading mode everytime), same goes for footnotes. they just create friction.

Have you tried using block quotes?
You can change the appearance with a theme or a css

Random sentence.
> 3127361273512

Random sentence.


Also, you can use inline footnotes. This will keep the footnote’s text close even in live preview.

Random sentence two ^[123121313]

Random sentence two [1]

  1. 123121313 ↩︎

1 Like

thank you! how did you do the one with the inline footnotes? this looks like a great solution for me.

I mean that the footnote turns into the 3 dots

You have to type it like I showed inside the code block.

Text ^[sdasd]

You type ^ followed by the footnote inside [ & ]

Look at the official footnote syntax documentation here

doesn’t work for me. If I activate reading mode it works as a usual footnote but I don’t get the output you send in live preview mode:

It only works like a footnote in viewing mode, sadly.
But the content of the footnote stays close even in live preview, unlike normal footnote.

If you are using it for short IDs, it should be fairly unobtrusive.

Also, you might be able to specifically edit its appearance with themes or css too.

yeah thank you for your time! will try to replicate the way the obsidian forum did your footnote. Thanks a lot!

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