Best way to link these notes?

I could use some help brainstorming what the best way is to accomplish this particular task. I have a very large blog – over 2500 posts – and have been having trouble keeping track of what I have, how it interlinks (or should interlink), etc. So I’ve imported everything into an Obsidian vault, one post per note, with the idea that the graph view should make it much easier for me to visualize what’s related.

But there’s a difference between what currently is linked together on my site and what ought to be linked together. I’ve set up each note with a set of properties like this:

Some of these properties will only be used on occasion as needed, but the “hub” property is the one I’m interested in here. A “hub” is, for my purposes, a key topic on my blog that multiple posts should logically connect to. I want these to show up as hubs in my graph view.

What’s the best way to make this happen? Is there a way to leverage the property itself to do this, or will I need to just go back to each post that has that property and add an internal (Obsidian) link to the hub, or create a note for each hub and list every note that has that as a property, or…?

Given that there are thousands of these, I’d like to sort out the most efficient/effective way to do this before I get halfway through the project. :laughing:

Have you looked at Excalibrain or Breadcrumbs plugins?

I think they will helpful for your problem

Whether the above suggestions work or not, and you still end up needing to edit properties to multiple notes together, checkout the Multi properties plugin.


Two approaches:

  1. Create a bunch of hub notes, one for each topic. Then for each blog post, add a link to the relevant hub note into the hub property.
  2. Use tags/subtags ie. #hub/topicA, #hub/TopicB and so on. For each blog post, add the relevant hub tag to the tags property (it has to be there, as other properties don’t allow tags).

Each approach has pros and cons, but either will do what you want - blog nodes in the graph connect to hub nodes.

I wrote about my choice with this here Nested tags for note type vs. "root tags" + properties to pin down note type - #4 by ShaneNZ, and the rest of that thread but might useful to you as well.