Hey, i recently installed Obsidian, i love it so far, but i cant find a lot of resource about help with plugin. I would like to have a issue and bug tracker, as I’m a developer, and I would greatly appreciate a list of plugin that may be useful with this idea, Thank you!
It’d be easier to help if you were a little more specific as to what you’re trying to do. Plugins generally live on Github, which has a built in issue tracker.
Im trying to make a issue tracker for my game, I would like to be able with a button (or a keybind), to add a issue in a table for example, I need to be able to fill the different thing like description, and each time I press enter, it go to the next parameter like deadline.
As I know you cant do that natively in obsidian, could you link me some plugin to do that?
Thank You!
For that you can use the Templater Community Plugin. Then you set up a template and in the Hotkeys section and add a hotkey.
the template could look like anything you want, it’s just another markdown file, so you can create an empty form, e.g.
Issue number:
Issue noticed: <% tp.date.now() %>
Problem solved:
with the <% . . . %>
thing it automatically inputs today’s date.
By adding the ---
before and after, Obsidian recognizes it as metadata, and then you can use something like Dataview, and create a table or a list of all your issues.
Thank you, im closing the post