Backup my vault into Proton Drive macOS

I would like to know if I can backup Obsidian into my Proton Drive macOS ? And if so how ?
I hope someone could help me explain how to do the most correct way !

What I’m trying to do

Things I have tried

If you do a search here in the forum for “proton drive”, there are a handful of topics:

I remember folks have had issues with it and Obsidian in the past. Not sure if the issues are still happening or not.

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Hi I will try read the other topics about Proton drive. Thank you very much

This is my second maiden post. I posted in reply to an ADHD user.

Now this is exactly the task I am working on right now. But in Ubuntu rather MacOS (same principles apply). I have a Proton Account (with Drive) and I plan (not done yet) to create an Obsidian Vault and Proton Vault and synchronise by scripting. Using a dual panel editor like Krusader makes that task easier. There must be a Mac dual panel editor. Or try Alfred, In Ubuntu there is Albert. I would not claim this to be the “correct way”. Only my intuitive way since I have only just started digging into Obsidian in a tool chain.

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Hi this is decently interesting and I will take a look at that, because I would really like to be able backing up in Proton Drive instead iCloud !