Backlinks like Andy Matuschak's notes?

Hi there :hugs:
I am quite new to Obsidian (and loving it so far), so sorry if this question has been asked before.
Is it possible to make the backlinks look more like the backlinks in the notes of Andy Matuschak? In particular, what I like about them:

  • Seeing the backlinks when scrolling down to the very bottom of the note (as opposed to having them in a separate pane as in default Obsidian)
  • Seeing the backlinks as small previews that expand on hover

Thanks a lot for your help already! :slight_smile:


I would especially like to see this.

Andy has a script here that can help generate that section for each file:

If you click on a note’s ⋮ menu, you can select “Open backlinks”, then drag the pane that opens to below your current note.

The result looks like the following (note the backlinks pane at the bottom of the window):

This live-updates as you change notes.

Getting them to appear inline in your active note is a different story and is not currently possible. You could script it as suggested above but this means constantly automatically editing the content of every note, which may be undesirable.

Preview on hover is a different story and has been requested here: Page Preview Plugin - show previews on backlink panel

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Thanks, I wasn’t aware the back links menu was draggable also!

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Hi, have you tried searching the forum and this thread particularly?

I created a Github Actions workflow to automatically trigger Andy Matuschak’s note-link-janitor on every push to the repository (which contains all the md files).

This is useful if you’re using Obsidian alongside Github for version control of your knowledgebase. It works with Obsidian vaults out of the box

Using this means, your repo is maintained without the necessity of local cron-jobs or installation of yarn.

All you need to do is copy this workflow to the <repo>/.github/workflows/ folder.

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I’m not a coder, but I’d like to learn how to make this work for my Obsidian vault. I recently installed Github Desktop and VSCode… not sure if that was necessary. I run on macOS. Would appreciate any help making this work!

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