Use case or problem
We got blocks! Hooray! But now blocks are in this sort of grey area where they are convenient because they can make it more helpful to link to a particular area in a large note, but they lose cool features of notes (showing up in graphs, and backlinks). So blocks are now basically 2nd class notes. They make large notes more powerful but also weaker at the same time.
Problem: It becomes tempting to separate large notes into smaller notes because we want to regain backlink functionality).
Proposed solution
What if we add backlink functionality to blocks. The vast majority of blocks don’t even have backlinks so we don’t need to worry about them. But if a block gets linked then Obsidian auto-generates an id code like ^4c00a6
. Well what if Obsidian just made ^4c00a6
purple (clickable). When you click it, Obsidian opens the backlinks page for that block.
Note: For this feature to really work well, Obsidian would need to stop auto-generating a new block id EVERY time you link to a block. Instead, when linking to a block, Obsidian should check if there already is a block id. If so, just use that some one. If not, then create a new block id (like it already does today).
Current workaround (optional)
Do a text search for that block link id.